Kenya Red Cross Nakuru Talanta Expo Modelling & Dance Edition

Kenya Red Cross Nakuru Talanta Expo Modelling & Dance Edition

This is an annual charity event that nurtures talents in our youth by offering a platform for young people to showcase their talents … In this event, the winners are crowned Mr& Mrs Redcross and become our brand ambassadors with privileges on top of cash award including membership, Events allowances,gifts ..The winners, first runners up & second runners up cash awards are ksh.10,000 ,7,000 and 5,000 respectively . All the proceeds of this event are for a noble cause to support road safety projects and initiatives in Nakuru County.

  • Date : 11/17/2023
  • Time : 6:00 pm - 6:00 am (Africa/Nairobi)
  • Venue : Kenya Red Cross - Nakuru Branch Hall

Venue Info

Registration Deadline Expired!!

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