Popular Ohangla Dancer Sheila Wegesha, Husband’s Last Phone Signal Traced After Her Death


New details have emerged over the death of popular Ohangla artist Sheila Wegesha Odoyo who was found dead in her matrimonial home on Thursday, May 9.

Reports indicated that her husband, who is being treated as a person of interest in the case, disappeared but his last phone signal has since been traced by detectives.

Wegesha’s husband is reported to have fled their home at 1:00 pm on Thursday shortly before her body was found lying in a pool of blood with deep cuts.

A police car at a crime scene in Kenya.



According to their eldest daughter Linda Okinyi, Wegesha’s husband is said to have left the home in his Mitsubishi Outlander car which was later discovered around the Kencom area in Nairobi’s Central Business District (CBD).

Police probing the case believe the suspect could have switched vehicles before fleeing Nairobi as his last phone signal has since been traced to Narok County.

The husband left the car keys and three bags in the car. Police officers have taken the items as evidence and towed the vehicle to Athi River Police Station.

“We are tracking him. His last phone signal was recorded in Narok at 6:26 am (May 9, 2024) before his phone went off,” a police officer probing the case informed the press. 

The detectives are puzzled as to how the perpetrator silently conducted the gruesome murder without anyone hearing a commotion from the bedroom.

On Friday, Wegesho’s family transferred the body from Shalom Community Hospital Morgue to Chiromo Morgue pending a post-mortem examination to establish the cause of death.

Preliminary investigations have revealed that the couple had a troublesome marriage, with possible cases of infidelity causing the conflict.

The couple had established businesses in Nairobi’s Umoja area where they hosted live bands.

“There were signs of disturbance in the bedroom. We are treating the husband as a person of interest. We are yet to recover the murder weapon,” a police officer investigating the case told the press. 

Media and Police outside a crime scene in Kenya.




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