Former NTV Reporter Eunice Omollo Asks for Help After Losing Son & Staring at Eviction


Former NTV reporter Eunice Omollo on Wednesday night begged for help from Kenyans divulging that she had for long time struggled with her bipolar condition.

In a video shared online, Omollo sobbingly explained that she had lost her son directly as a result of the condition.

The journalist explained that her son now lives with her mother as she continues to seek the necessary help.

‘I want to go to the hospital because now I am in my depressive state, those who have been following me know I have lived with bipolar for 19 years now,” she sobbed. 

Health and Science Journalist Eunice Omollo


Machozi ya Mwisho Initiative

“I cannot live without medication and I cannot afford my medication.”

She explained that apart from losing her son, she was also on the verge of being evicted from her house.

The depressive state was also denying her sleep which she complained was messing with her mental health. “I need to sleep. I have not slept for days now,” she stated. 

The celebrated and award-winning journalist further revealed that she urgently needed a job. 

Eunice appealed to Kenyans of goodwill to help her raise money for medication as well as connect her to a job opportunity. 

A spot check online revealed that she had deactivated most of her social media accounts. 

Before her health deteriorated, she was NTV’s Health and Science Reporter and emerged winner in the Africa Media Health Network Best TV and Overall Health Reporting AFP Awards in 2021.

She was feted for her reporting on issues related to mental health. In 2021, she revealed that her coverage of the pandemic had driven her to the brink of contemplating suicide. 

Counsellors, medics, and psychologists recommend seeking help whenever you experience any mental health issue. Call the Kenya Red Cross toll-free hotline, 1199, for support.

A graphic depicting person suffering from depression.



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