Museveni Proposes Collapse of EAC States to Form One Government


President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda has reignited the longstanding discussion on the unification of East African states into a federation, asserting the imperative of enhanced relations among nations in the region.

Speaking from State House Nairobi, Museveni emphasised the necessity of strategic security in an increasingly volatile geopolitical landscape.

Reflecting on historical missed opportunities, Museveni lamented the failure to establish the East African Federation in 1963, suggesting that decades of progress have been forfeited as a consequence.

“If we had formed the East Africa Federation in 1963, many of the problems that we have now would have been avoided,” Museveni remarked, citing instances such as the reign of Idi Amin Dada in Uganda and the genocide in Rwanda.

Advocating for a unified approach, Museveni asserted, “Our agenda is to create one government of East Africa.”

The longest-serving President among EAC Heads of State, stressed the need for the East African Community (EAC) to fulfil its objective of establishing a single sovereign state, arguing that such consolidation is essential for the protection and prosperity of the region’s populace.

Many have viewed the call to collapse the East African states, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania, as a pet project of Museveni.

“Apart from economic integration for prosperity, we need to address the issue of security. The only way we can do it is through political integration. In the case of East Africa, our main target is one authority, one government for East Africa.,” Museveni asserted, highlighting the intertwined nature of economic and political integration.

Last year, Kenya initiated internal discussions on the East African political federation, signalling a renewed interest in the project championed by leaders like President Museveni.

In a novel development, then East African Community Cabinet Secretary, Rebecca Miano, disclosed plans for a confederation as a precursor to full federation.

The proposal aims to enhance the authority of the federal government over member states, with presidents assuming roles akin to Kenya’s County Governors.

However, scepticism persists regarding the feasibility and motivations behind the federation, with concerns raised over President Museveni’s perceived ambition to assume leadership post-retirement.

In a bid to quell cross-border conflicts, Museveni called for reconciliation among communities residing along the Kenya-Uganda border, urging them to focus on shared prosperity rather than differences.

From left: President Yoweri Museveni and William Ruto at State House Nairobi, Thursday, May 16.


Ministry of Interior


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